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Mark Matousek

Genre: Writing

Mark Matousek

Mark Matousek is the bestselling author of Sex Death Enlightenment: A True StoryThe Boy He Left BehindWhen You’re Falling, Dive: Lesson in the Art of Living, and Ethical Wisdom: The Search For a Moral Life. As a teacher and speaker, his work focuses on personal awakening and creative excellence through transformational writing and self-inquiry. Mark brings over three decades of experience as a memoirist and editor to his penetrating and thought provoking work with students. His workshops, classes, and mentoring have inspired thousands of people around the world to reach their artistic and personal goals. He has two books being published in 2017, Writing To Awaken: A Journey of Truth, Transformation, and Self-Discovery (July 2017) and Mother of the Unseen World (September 2017).

                                     Get to know Mark Matousek! 

Click the link below to watch a short video about Mark’s journey

Mark Matousek: Truth Story Transformation

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